Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Color Blending

The Sweater II is coming along nicely-- I spent the last few nights in the hotel room weighing out colored fiber (notice the new antique balance on the left).

I added each color one at a time to the carder

After removing the batt with all the layers of color, I folded it in half lengthwise so that the red alpaca fiber was sandwiched in the middle between the different colored wool. Because it has a different texture than wool, the alpaca has a harder time blending with the rest of the fiber. It seems to blend better if sandwiched between two layers of wool.

The batt was carded a second time.
Believe it or not, this is the finished color! Notice how all the balls match pretty well. This was near impossible (I tried) to achieve without a scale. For example each ball is a blend of 2 grams of lime green, 2 grams of bright blue, 1.5 grams of dark blue, 1 gram of seafoam green, 1 gram of yellow and 0.5 grams of red.

I still have a lot more fiber to blend so it will probably be a few more weeks before moving on to the next stage!


Jeana Marie said...

It looks like it came out really well! was it what you were expecting?

Karen said...

Um....kinda sorta! I wanted a manly forest green and it turned out a olive/forest green. But I decided that it still is a forest green, it's just an east coast forest green rather than a west coast, pine tree forest green. :-)