Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Visiting Family in Tucson

Tucson is the prettiest desert I've been to. It's gorgeous! Even if you aren't a desert person, you'd have to admit Tucson has a dramatic beauty. I went out to see Grandpa, Eleanor and my aunts Linda and Janis during the last part of the week before Labor Day. I got to spend some good quality time with family that I rarely get to see, and at the same time got to relax and recharge.

Here we are at Grandpa's house! Grandpa, Eleanor and I won 6 games of bingo combined, out of 10 games played, at the local community center. I thought for a minute we were going to get kicked out! Competition was fierce and the air was thick with envy.

I'm a little behind on my blog, just catching up from my hiatus of studying. I won't bore you with the dreary details, but the long and short of it is that I am out in the field again, and won't be back until 2 days before the test. I realized I just plain wasn't going to be ready. Rather than waste the money, I post-poned taking the test until March. They give us one grace post-ponement, so I have to take it in March ready or not. But I will be ready then! So back to blogging and doing the things that I like. I will keep studying, but at a more relaxed pace spread out over 6 months.

1 comment:

Laura said...

oh no! so now you're going to be going crazy studying for 5 more months!! good luck!