Thursday, February 28, 2013

Getting Ready for Spring

For the last few years I've started a veggie garden using a method I found in Organic Gardening magazine. Our start of growing season here in the Charlotte area is around February 15th so I'm already behind schedule, but the date always creeps up quickly and I end up planting in March every year.

I needed to get the soil turned over first so made that yesterday's project. Bryan of course wanted to "help" so we enlisted the assistance of Tonka and gang. Ethan said he'd help by taking a nap.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Busy Life, Great Times

Well here we are another 8 months since I've posted anything- but it has been a good busy 8 months. We had our new baby boy born in September and so I've been all about babies lately. With so much to squeeze into a day we have even taken to dinner while soaking in the tub. The soaking helps the allergy rash issues both my boys have suffered with and yet trying to squeeze a nursing session dinner session and two baths and bedtimes is challenging if I don't get started by 530. So we learned to consolidate on nights where we get a late start. At least Bryan finds it fun to eat in the tub, and Ethan goes with the flow like with everything else.