Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Unicycle Commute

This morning I was driving into work because I had a rental car yesterday for our one-day of field work up in Virginia, and I was taking it back to work. Of all days to not be on my bike -- I missed the opportunity of meeting a really fun fellow cyclist. I was just barely out of my apartment complex and saw the familiar look: helmet, backpack, i-pod, comfy clothes and windbreaker. I always have to slow down and see who else is riding to work on my route so that I can make sure I say hi next time. But this was no ordinary cycle-commuter (the sport cyclist looks different: he/she would have a matching jersey outfit, slick spandex, aerodynamic sunglasses and a tough frown). He was a uncyclist-commuter! Not a clown unicyclist like this:

He was a college-kid type obviously not looking like he wanted to attract attention (picture shown is not the real guy, but a look-alike I found on google):

He was deep in concentration, listening to his music and had the countenance of any other commuter on their way to work. I had to hand it to him for giving it his all! I would agree with him that one wheel was better than none, but two is much more relaxing.

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